September 18, 2011

Am I A Slacker Lately or What?

Things have been so hectic since moving back to Texas. The time has literally flown by! I'm already about to start my fourth week of class and I will hopefully be graduating in spring if all my classes work out ok!

This past week I started weight watchers. Trying to lose these last 20 pounds has been way more ridiculously harder than I ever expected.

It is all based on a point system and let me tell you it is the most annoying thing ever to track your food and sit there and measure stuff out. Why is it when you try to diet all of a sudden the only food that you crave is chocolate and pop tarts and whatever else that is disgustingly bad for you?

Hopefully all the hard work pays off and this weight starts to fall off soon (Wishful thinking?)

I did get this new awesome beach cruiser so me and Justin are starting to ride our bikes, on top of my twice a week yoga and weight training classes.

This lady will be looking sexy in no time!

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