September 22, 2011


Well maybe this will be an every other day blog...

But on a great note I had my first weigh in at Weight Watchers yesterday...3.8 pounds down!!! I only have about 5.7 pounds left until my first goal of 5%. Hopefully I can keep up this pace and lose it fairly quickly!

Also I will be having some HUUUUGE news around December!

Day 4: What is your exercise routine?
 I really enjoy dancing. But I don't have enough time, or well I don't make the time for it, it makes the time pass by so quickly and it is so fun I don't even realize that I am working out!
Day 5: What is your favourite healthy snack or treat?
I love grapes or hummus and veggies! The hummus definately isn't for everyone though. It took me some time to actually like it and even then some days it still isn't good to me.

September 20, 2011

Slacker Much?

Oops! I completely forgot a day! My big weigh in day for weight watchers is tomorrow! Hopefully it goes pretty well!

Day 2: What is your favourite part of your body?
 Oh this is a really tough one! I like my feet alot. They are small and cute!
Day 3: If you were at your ultimate goalweight right now what piece of clothing you buy/wear?
I would go and get a pair of skinny jeans and boots boring I know but I can't wait!

September 18, 2011

21 Day Challenge

Wow this is going to be a rought 21 day!

Day 1: What is your current weight and what would you like it to be?
I currently weigh 185 and I want to get down to 164, then eventually down to 145. I'm pretty confident it will take a while to get it all off but I am more worried about it staying off then losing it quickly just to gain it all back.

Am I A Slacker Lately or What?

Things have been so hectic since moving back to Texas. The time has literally flown by! I'm already about to start my fourth week of class and I will hopefully be graduating in spring if all my classes work out ok!

This past week I started weight watchers. Trying to lose these last 20 pounds has been way more ridiculously harder than I ever expected.

It is all based on a point system and let me tell you it is the most annoying thing ever to track your food and sit there and measure stuff out. Why is it when you try to diet all of a sudden the only food that you crave is chocolate and pop tarts and whatever else that is disgustingly bad for you?

Hopefully all the hard work pays off and this weight starts to fall off soon (Wishful thinking?)

I did get this new awesome beach cruiser so me and Justin are starting to ride our bikes, on top of my twice a week yoga and weight training classes.

This lady will be looking sexy in no time!

June 25, 2011

2 more pounds down!!!

Well between still being sick and this dang wisdom tooth, food has became a thing of the past!I can eat some but it hurts a lot during and after!

I haven't been this weight since a few months before I had Blake so at least a good two years! So I'm feeling very excited! I'm now at 183. It was my goal to get to 180 before we go back to Texas and I think I'm looking good to be under that since we still have about 3 weeks till then. My ultimate goal is to be at least 164 by my birthday. So that is 19 pounds in 99 days! I've got faith in myself and hopefully I'll feel good enough to start working out soon, but I don't think any jogging will be in my future until I get this stinking tooth out :(

June 20, 2011

Thank you Texas...

What a lovely parting gift to receive from horribly massive virus :( Blake has it, now I have it and Justin is starting to. The only good thing that has come from it is losing two pounds woohoo! Only 21 more pounds to go! I'm pretty excited for the progress. Hopefully we will get out to go on a walk today if the weather gets nicer.

June 18, 2011

What a past couple of weeks!

Well I haven't had much time to update. I had my finals to deal with made an A and B+! I'm glad that is overhand the next day we flew to Texas. Not much of a chance to work on a diet then. It feels like we ate out for every meal! So I'm still at the same weight. But now we are in the process of pack g up and moving back to Texas. Things haven't worked out as well as I would have liked out here but life goes on. But only good things will come in the future! Now just to get back to working out and being healthy! On today's agenda I'm going to do some yoga!

May 29, 2011

Since moving to Lynnwood in December, I’ve been trying to live a more healthy lifestyle. With just being a stay at home mom I started working out and losing weight I lost about 10 pounds but then family came to visit and it seems like every meal we ate out. So I gained that weight back. Whomp, Whomp, Whomp. I sat there and decided I needed to commit further I lost 20 pounds and I was feeling great. Lately since starting back to school and gaining back a few pounds, I haven’t had the opportunity to work out as much as I like and I want to get back to it to get down to my goal weight! At the very minimum I want to get down to 164. That is the maximum good weight for me. So as of right now I have 23 pounds to lose.
I felt that a good way to hold myself accountable to sit there and blog about it. So hopefully this will give me the little extra push to get started again and get down to weight!
Weight: 187