October 27, 2010

Holy Crap

So today has been INSANE!!

We were on our way to take Justin's ring to the jeweler to be fixed and he got a call from a (206) area code number...I instantly knew it would be for a job, little did I know...it was the job I had applied for him this morning without telling him..WHOOPS!

The guy called and talked to him for a while and then said "so when can you be in Seattle?"

Needless to say after my test tomorrow we are driving to Seattle to get Justin settled out there and my AMAZING grandparents are going to watch Blake and I am going to fly back on Monday.

So our countdown is no longer set around 58ish days...it is more along the lines of 43...its only about 2 weeks of a difference but that is two weeks of packing, setting up a rental truck, etc...

I am sooo excited but so sad that my love will be gone away from us but I'm sure the time will fly!!


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